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Your support is crucial in our mission to bring practical and effective solutions to Washington State. By making a donation today, you're not just investing in a campaign; you're investing in a vision for a better future based on evidence and results. Together, we can make a real difference in our communities. Donate now and let's do what works for Washington. Thank you for your generosity and belief in our cause.

Let’s Do What Works

I firmly believe in taking pragmatic and realistic approaches to legislation. As a candidate for Washington State Representative in Legislative District 5, my goal is to make our state a better place by focusing on policies and solutions that deliver tangible, proven results rather than relying solely on what feels good or sounds appealing. By prioritizing evidence-based strategies and practical measures, we can address the pressing issues facing our state effectively and efficiently. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and work on implementing solutions that truly make a difference in the lives of Washingtonians. Together, by embracing what works, we can build a brighter future for Washington State.

I Support the Let’s Go Washington Initiatives!

  • I-2117 Stop The Hidden Gas Tax

  • I-2109 Repeal The Capital Gains Tax

  • I-2124 Let Workers Opt-Out Of State-Run Long Term Care

  • I-2111 No State Income Tax (Passed)

  • I-2113 Reasonable Police Pursuit (Passed)

  • I-2081 Parental Notification (Passed)


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